Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Image result for self-care

This next week we will continue a focus on self-care as well as consider the compassion we have for others.  Please post, just briefly, on what you take from these articles, and if there are any self-care ideas you have used that you can share with the group.  

Barnett, J. et al (2007) In Pursuit of Wellness: The Self-care Imperative. Professional Psychology, 38 (6) 603-612

Figley, C. & Radley, M. (2007). The Social Psychology of Compassion. Clinical Social Work Journal, 35, (3), 207-214 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

This week's focus is on the ideal of mindfulness, and as the Time cover above shows, it is a major idea that has woven/and is weaving into social work practice.  Briefly share your thoughts on the article AND, then consider when mindfulness may or may not be the best intervention/fit with your clients.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dual Relationships in Social Work Practice and Life!

This week's focus is on dual relationships, the tension between how close and how far from each other we can be and see through our professional obligations to our clients.  Dual relationships come up more often than one would think and affect our ability to solely focus on our client's interests. After reading the articles, share what strikes you, or something you learned, or whether you can relate to any of the situations even prior to starting at UNH in other roles you have had.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Supervisory Relationship

There is so much more to supervision than one might expect.  This week's articles by Bennet and Miehls introduces the "behind the scenes" action that may be occurring.  After reading the articles, share briefly about how you relate to these ideas within your own supervision.  This exercise will help us all share about this often complex and very personal relationship and then continue the discussion in class.